Sunday, 6 April 2008


Hello from Japan! First apologies about the size of the images (after clicking them), I've no way to downsize.

Arrived late on Friday and spent the evening walking around Osaka-Jo park (below). Loads of Sakura (Cherry Blossom) to be seen and people doing Hanami (Cherry Blossom Viewing) until late at night. Like a German with a beach towel they were out at 6am to reserve their spot.

Spent all of yesterday visiting Osaka and spent today at Ise-Jingu (below), Japans holiest shrine. You're not allowed anywhere near the actual shire itself. You have to be a supreme being to get that honor.

Traveled to Kyoto this afternoon and have just got back from conveyor belt sushi, which I have to say left me a little disappointed. I wanted to like it more. But we made up for that by getting thrown out of a Pachinko (below) arcade because they wanted to close. We nearly made our money back as well! If only we'd realised sooner there is no skill involved!

Next 3 days in Kyoto but the weather is about to turn rainy. Much better than at home though!

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